News & events

Participate in the xShare Public and Population Health Datasets Survey!


The objective of the survey is to obtain a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of public and population health datasets collected across European member states. Additionally, the aim is to assess…

xShare Yellow Button makes EHDS a reality


The xShare Yellow Button facilitates streamlined data sharing and collaboration across EHDS, fostering efficiency and innovation within the healthcare industry. CEN/TC 251 supports the enhanced collaboration and innovation in healthcare…

Are you ready for the button?


    xShare is a three-year Horizon Europe project envisioning everyone sharing their health data in European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF), with a click-of-a-button – the xShare Yellow…

UNICOM Final Event


On the 25th and 26th of April 2024 the UNICOM Final Event will take place! This two-day event marks the culmination of years of collaborative effort between 41 esteemed beneficiaries, dedicated…

xShare project for personal health data portability


The xShare project has started on 1 December 2023 and will run for three years. CEN/TC 251 experts play an important role in this project, specifically in the creation of…

ISO/TC 210 plenary week on medical-device standardization in Paris, France (December 2023)


From 11 till 15 December 2023 ISO/TC 210 ‘Quality management and corresponding general aspects for products with a health purpose including medical devices’ will meet in Paris, France. CEN TC…

IHE publishes the Sharing of IPS (sIPS) Profile


CEN/TC 251 has been the initiator of and regular contributor to the International Patient Summary (IPS) set of standards and specifications. We are happy to announce that a new IHE profile…

A short and clear introduction to the International Patient Summary (IPS)


The International Patient Summary is a minimal and non-exhaustive set of basic clinical data of a patient, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by all clinicians for the (un)scheduled patient care…

CEN publishes a good practice guide for obtaining consent


CEN has just published CWA 17933: Digital health innovations — Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations. Scope Since digital…

XpanDH kicks off to help enable individuals and organisations to adopt the European Electronic Health Records Exchange format


You may already have seen mention of a new project on Expanding Digital Health across Europe – the XpanDH project. CEN/TC 251 is proud to be involved in the XpanDH…

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